The Story of Civil Liberty in the United States
The Story of Civil Liberty in the United Statesby Leon Whipple
of civil rights in nineteenth and early-twentieth century America.
There are stories of heroic people who stood up for their own rights and
those of others, but also terrible betrayals of freedom of spech and
religion and association, as well as racism and intolerance. This book
serves as a warning that the promise of liberty is meaningful only if
liberty is ensured for all people, including those we don’t agree with
or don’t understand.
The Three Great Ships of Isambard Kingdom Brunel

The Three Great Ships of Isambard Kingdom Brunel
by Ciamar Price
During his career, Isambard Kingdom Brunel built three ships. Each was the largest vessel of their time when launched, and each represented a technological leap forward in ship design. These pieces were originally written for learning packs about historic engineering, and designed as a summary and introduction to the ships. Download the ebook free here.